About tpenni290@gmail.com
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But we are proud to say that tpenni290@gmail.com contributed 30 entries already.
Entries by tpenni290@gmail.com
0 Comments/by tpenni290@gmail.comWORK PARTY SATURDAY 11/6/2021 Please join us for a work party on Saturday, November 6th to help widen and re-plank two vital bridges on the Talbert Falls Trail. Widening of […]
First Meeting of 2021/2022 Season October 10th
0 Comments/by tpenni290@gmail.comThe first meeting for the 21/22 season is October 12th 7:00pm at Gil Wilson’s Garage, 169 Route 120, Plainfield NH Please join us!!
Next Club Meeting 4/13/21
0 Comments/by tpenni290@gmail.comGood Evening BMD Members: It seems like it’s been an eternity since we’ve met as a group; but with the COVID-19 restrictions slowly being lifted, it’s looking like there is […]
All Trails Are Now CLOSED
0 Comments/by tpenni290@gmail.comP396 gates are closed from Bean road south.
Club Ride and BBQ February 13th!
0 Comments/by tpenni290@gmail.comThe Blow-Me-Down (BMD) Snowriders have scheduled a club ride and BBQ on Saturday, February 13, 2021. The plan is to depart from the BMD warming on Goodwin Road (a class […]
Trails Are OPEN!
0 Comments/by tpenni290@gmail.com2/3/2021 Trails Update: Trails are open. 12″ +/- of new snow. Groomed with moderate conditions.
Celebrate our 50th with a BMD Sweatshirt & Sticker!
0 Comments/by tpenni290@gmail.comHelp us celebrate our 50th Anniversary! Order your long sleeve T-shirt or sweatshirt today! Orders will be taken through Monday, February 8, 2021 and will ship on or about February 22, […]
0 Comments/by tpenni290@gmail.comBLOW-ME-DOWN SNOWRIDERS CELEBRATES 50TH ANNIVERSARY 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the Blow-Me-Down Snowriders (BMD). BMD Officers, Directors and Members would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every […]
January, February and March Meetings Suspended
0 Comments/by tpenni290@gmail.comWhile it initially appeared the 2020/2021 snowmobile season was off to a great start with 40+ inches of snow being received on December 17th; that was ultimately short lived with […]
About Us
The Blow-Me-Down Snowriders Club was started in 1971 as a family oriented, non-profit organization. We now have approximately 56 miles of trails that wind through the towns of Cornish and Plainfield that are groomed and maintained by the volunteer time of our members.
Member of NHSA. www.nhsa.com
Meeting Schedule
Monthly meetings of the Blow-Me-Down Snowriders Club are held at Gil Wilson’s heated garage at 169 Route 120 in East Plainfield on the second Tuesday of the month, starting at 7:00 p.m. from September through April. We hope to see you there.