Meeting Location Host
Monthly meetings of the Blow-Me-Down Snowriders Club are held at Gil Wilson’s heated garage at 169 Route 120 in East Plainfield on the second Tuesday of the month, starting at 7:00 p.m. from September through April. We hope to see you there.
Gladys is the heart of the Blow-Me-Down Snowriders Club. Keeping track of the ever-changing membership rolls and week-to-week operations of the Club, Gladys is an invaluable member of the team.
Pam keeps track of all the financial goings-on of the Club. She is a dedicated and long-time member of the Blow-Me-Down Snowriders.
Richard mainly grooms with the New Holland groomer, along with performing continual trail maintenance throughout the year.
John has been with the Blow-Me-Down Snowriders Club since its inception. He is the backbone of the Club through countless hours of paperwork and continually changing responsibilities of the Trail Administrator role.
Assistant Trailmaster and Equipment Coordinator